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Doctor with Tablet

Health Technology

Health Technology Project Team

The Health Tech committee works with technology and research to make sure that PHA is best able to serve patients and community members. This past year, we collaborated with Dr. Dena Herman of UCLA Fielding School of Public Health to evaluate how the Hunger Vital Sign questions could be used as an indicator of food insecurity during the PHA intake process. We presented during Undergraduate Research Week and will continue to conduct field research with Dr. Herman this summer. As a Health Tech member, you’d be in a supportive environment to learn and implement new techniques for interpreting public health data. We’re looking for members who are creative, adaptable, and curious.

Recent Initiatives

Microscopic Cell Analysis
Research BruinWalk

Health Tech is collaborating with Member Dev to create a manual of all research labs PHA members have been a part of which highlights their contributions and areas of inquiry! PHA is a community of student researchers spanning molecular biology to sociology & this manual is catered to start conversations and support one another.

Meet the Health Tech Team

IMG_1620 - DILARA BAHADIR_edited.jpg
Dilara Bahadir

Health Technology Director

General Members

Grace Swenson

Want to learn more?

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